Dr. rer. nat. Felix Bormann
I am a biologist by training who discovered the joy of bioinformatics.
Now I want to help other scientists to increase their impact by including high throughput data into their research.
Computer Skills:
R statistics, Python, Perl, PHP, HTML, JavaScript, CWL, Docker-based applications and Microsoft Office. High-throughput analysis, Analysis of large datasets
Quick learning skills for other computer languages
Work Experience:
01.12.2014 – 31.10.2018 | German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany; Division of Epigenetics (Prof. Dr. Frank Lyko): Postdoc |
15.05.2007 – 31.03.2009 | Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, Germany; Miniaturization for Functional Genetics (Dr. A. Dahl): Student research assistant |
01.05.2009 – 24.04.2014 | Humboldt University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany; Conferral of doctorate in molecular biology; Doctor’s thesis at: Charité Berlin, Institute for Pathology, Molecular Tumor Pathology (Prof. Dr. C. Sers): Title: “The Epigenetic Regulation of the EGF-receptor Ligands Amphiregulin and Epiregulin and Its Impact on the Outcome of EGFR-targeted Therapies.” |
01.04.2004 – 31.03.2009 | Free University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany; Diploma in biochemistry; Diploma thesis at: Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Miniaturization for Functional Genetics (Dr. A. Dahl): Title: “Development of a Multiplex Assay for Robust Determination of Epigenetic Changes in Genomic Regions, Associated with the Formation of Colorectal Cancer.” |
First author publications:
Bormann F, Tuorto F, Cirzi C et al., BisAMP: A web-based pipeline for targeted RNA cytosine-5 methylation analysis., Methods 2019 Mar 1;156:121-127
Bormann F, Rodríguez-Paredes M, Lasitschka F et al., Cell-of-Origin DNA Methylation Signatures Are Maintained during Colorectal Carcinogenesis., Cell Rep. 2018 Jun 12;23(11):3407-3418. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2018.05.045
Bormann F, Stinzing S, Tierling S, et al., Epigenetic regulation of Amphiregulin and Epiregulin in colorectal cancer., Int J Cancer. 2018 Sep 25. doi: 10.1002/ijc.31892
Bormann F, Rodríguez-Paredes M, Hagemann S, et al., Reduced DNA methylation patterning and transcriptional connectivity define human skin aging., Aging Cell. 2016 Jun;15(3):563-71
Bormann F, Dahl A, Sers C, MsLDR-creator: a web service to design msLDR assays., Mol Genet Genomics. 2012 Mar;287(3):273-4.
Bormann F, Sers C, Seliger B, et al., Methylation-specific ligation detection reaction (msLDR): a new approach for multiplex evaluation of methylation patterns., Mol Genet Genomics. 2011 Oct;286(3-4):279-91.
Other publications:
Köhler F, Bormann F, Raddatz G, et al. Epigenetic deregulation of lamina-associated domains in Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome. Genome Med. 2020 May 25;12(1):46
Pervolaraki K, Rastgou Talemi S, Albrecht D, et al. Differential induction of interferon stimulated genes between type I and type III interferons is independent of interferon receptor abundance. PLoS Pathog. 2018 Nov 28;14(11):e1007420
Geyh S, Rodríguez-Paredes M, Jäger P, et al. Transforming growth factor β1-mediated functional inhibition of mesenchymal stromal cells in myelodysplastic syndromes and acute myeloid leukemia. Haematologica. 2018 Sep;103(9):1462-1471
Rodríguez-Paredes M, Bormann F, Raddatz G et al. Methylation profiling identifies two subclasses of squamous cell carcinoma related to distinct cell types of origin. Nat Commun. 2018 Feb 8;9(1):577.
Linhart H, Bormann F, Hutter B, et al. Genetic and
epigenetic profiling of a solitary Peutz-Jeghers colon polyp. Cold Spring
Harb Mol Case Stud. 2017 May;3(3):a001610