Bioinformatic tools online

At, you will be able to perform your own bioinformatic analyses in an easy-to-use web interface.

Subscription or token:

With a subscription you can access Bioinformatic tools online to run bioinformatic analyses as often as you want. You can choose between a 1-month and a 1-year subscription.

With token, you can access Bioinformatic tools online to run bioinformatic analyses without a subscription. This option is suitable for you, if you only have a low work amount.

Please check: for more information

Included methods (so far):

FastQC, Trimmomatic, Hisat2, Samtools, Picard, featureCounts, DESeq2/DESeq/EdgeR, Stringtie, Ballgown

FastQC, Trimmomatic, BWA, Samtools, Picard, Samtools Index, MACS2, Deeptools bamCoverage, HOMER

Amplicon-sequencing analysis of paired-end reads:
Read connection, Global Alignment, Visualisation, Result merging, Oligo search

Create your own pipeline:
You can create a pipeline with all available tools and let it run with one click

File transfer from the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA):
Besides simple upload of your own dataset, you can also transfer publicly available data directly from ENA by just querying the accession number. This makes you capable to immediately start your analysis and check your hypothesis on different datasets.

There will come much more methods in the future (e.g. AtacSeq and others). You can also suggest programs which you want to use.

Please see the following youtube-video to get an overview on the program

You can also see the videos on the different tools and how to use them:

FastQC, Trimmomatic, HiSat2, Samtools, Picard, FeatureCounts, DESeq, DEseq2, EdgeR and StringTie

FastQC, Trimmomatic, BWA, Samtools, Picard and Deeptools

Initial pipeline, Result merging, Oligo search

Visualisation and Data interpretation:
Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Venn Diagrams, Boxplots and Heatmaps

Other functionalities:
File Transfer from ENA

Please contact me if you want to use this program in your research. I can also add further methods, if they are necessary for you.